
I used to deface the calendars at work.

Each month we got a new thing to focus on at work. I was a manager at the time and got sick of the place I was at. After staring at these in front of the hand washing sink time after time I decided to entertain myself. A few days after I did this, we had a I surprise walk thru by some very high ups at corporate. I had completely forgot I had done this and the VP of our market washed his hands so he could pretend to work with the rest of us peasants. I saw him look up then back down at his hands and then finally slowly back up to the calendar. He turned around and demanded to know whom was responsible for the artwork. Nobody knew. He threatened disp action upon finding the perpetrator. Needless to say the artist was never found but I…

Each month we got a new thing to focus on at work. I was a manager at the time and got sick of the place I was at. After staring at these in front of the hand washing sink time after time I decided to entertain myself.
A few days after I did this, we had a I surprise walk thru by some very high ups at corporate. I had completely forgot I had done this and the VP of our market washed his hands so he could pretend to work with the rest of us peasants. I saw him look up then back down at his hands and then finally slowly back up to the calendar. He turned around and demanded to know whom was responsible for the artwork. Nobody knew. He threatened disp action upon finding the perpetrator. Needless to say the artist was never found but I laughed for days about it along with my work bestie who also knew I did it.

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