
I want a change to my income not my life.

The other day I was talking with the boss and I tried to hint that I'd like a raise. I didn't want to flat out ask for raise but I wanted to make sure that he knew I wanted a raise. The small talk started with him noticing that something was on my mind. I've been thinking about either finding another job or asking for a raise for a while now. There have been things over the past years that have me questioning staying with the company. I'm an independent contractor who works as their sole programmer for a publicly traded company. (As much as I'd like to drop the company name, I think the SEC would be after me if I did.) Things that upset me are: He doesn't want me to look for another job yet he has a 2nd job where he takes off on Thursdays for…

The other day I was talking with the boss and I tried to hint that I'd like a raise. I didn't want to flat out ask for raise but I wanted to make sure that he knew I wanted a raise. The small talk started with him noticing that something was on my mind. I've been thinking about either finding another job or asking for a raise for a while now. There have been things over the past years that have me questioning staying with the company. I'm an independent contractor who works as their sole programmer for a publicly traded company. (As much as I'd like to drop the company name, I think the SEC would be after me if I did.)

Things that upset me are:

  1. He doesn't want me to look for another job yet he has a 2nd job where he takes off on Thursdays for it. (Unbeknownst to him, I have a second job that actually treats me better)

  2. About 2 years ago, he purchased a piece of property for himself. Personal thing, I get it no worries. But he has now set it up that every other week. I get to work from home on Fridays and Mondays which also includes the Thursday for his other job. In short, we barely work in the office. Mind you, we don't have a sales person. Its just me and the boss. I program. I keep the systems up. I am basically on call 24/7. I also create products and reduce cost of our systems. I can't be a salesperson too, I already got enough on my plate.

  3. In October, he had a business trip planned for a meeting. It involved a seminar and a party, etc. I asked if I were going too as I've been to these things before, but the response was “No we're short on cash and the company can't afford it.” I'm like that's fine, I get it. Spend as little as possible. After the trip, we talked about it. I asked how it went, make any connections?, make any deals?, how was the party? We talk and nothing major but a good meeting. A couple of days go by and the organization posted pictures of the event and look who it is, the boss and his wife. Suddenly, he starts to defend himself like “oh yea, failed to mention, I took my wife.” In the back of my head I kept thinking, oh really, who paid for the plane ticket, who paid for the meals on this trip. I'm sure the company paid for it. She is not even an employee or contractor but she was wearing the company shirt in the picture. What a great excuse if company money was used to get her there.

  4. After this trip, its Christmas time. I've gotten bonuses before for Christmas and I get it, I'm a contractor and I guess I'm not suppose to expect a bonus, yet I've gotten a bonus every year. Last year, he lets me know the week before Christmas, no bonus this year, we don't have enough money. Oh but we had enough to send wifey on a trip which I'm sure the company paid for. I can't prove it but fine.

Back to my raise conversation: I began by dropping hints like “Everyday items are getting more and more expensive.”, “Inflation is at 9%”, “I need to find a way to make more money.”. Well he gets where this is going and he mentioned the raise he got me 2 years ago. Oh, the raise of $1000 a year. Yes thank you for that. Then he mentions something of mine, “Well, can't you sell some of your timeshare?” I say, “First off I can't, I use it every year and I'm never selling it.” Next, the boss says “What about your wife? Can't she get a job?”. I'm say “No she can't, she is a stay at home mom of two little ones. and No. We're not doing that.”. The conversation ended with him saying he'll look into it.

Well my contract ends on August 31st and I think I'm on the hunt for a new job that appreciates my programming skills.

TLDR: Had a conversation with my boss about getting a raise and he suggested that I sell somethings I own and suggested my stay at home wife of two kids to get a job.

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