
I want so badly out of my job.

The higher-ups are forcing us all back into the office full-time starting Monday. No more hybrid remote. My productivity soared when they switched to hybrid, but apparently that doesn’t matter to them and they just want bodies in the office. This job doesn’t pay nearly enough to be worth the commute 5 days a week. With the commute I’m away 13 hours a day. I’ve sent out dozens and dozens of applications elsewhere, but no one has offered me any positions yet. I’m not in a position to quit without another job lined up. Is there any way to convince my managers I’m worth more at home than at the office? Have any of you successfully done it?

The higher-ups are forcing us all back into the office full-time starting Monday. No more hybrid remote. My productivity soared when they switched to hybrid, but apparently that doesn’t matter to them and they just want bodies in the office.

This job doesn’t pay nearly enough to be worth the commute 5 days a week. With the commute I’m away 13 hours a day. I’ve sent out dozens and dozens of applications elsewhere, but no one has offered me any positions yet. I’m not in a position to quit without another job lined up.

Is there any way to convince my managers I’m worth more at home than at the office? Have any of you successfully done it?

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