
I want to be unemployed when I grow up

Because I've spent the last 2 months applying to over 50 jobs where “entry level” jobs require 2-10 years experience and the ones I do get interviewed for keep ghosting me. This one company reached out TO ME to schedule an interview. After replying within the hours, I didn't see or hear from them for 2 weeks. Fast forward another week where I had the interviews, I kindly asked when I may hear back as I thought the interview went well. They said today. Low and behold it's 7:34 PM and I sat at home the whole day waiting for a call that never came. If I didn't get the job, fine – but at least have the decency to tell me instead of being so inconsiderate of my time. Hell I wouldn't even care if they didn't already reject me and just emailed me to say “we're still mulling”…

Because I've spent the last 2 months applying to over 50 jobs where “entry level” jobs require 2-10 years experience and the ones I do get interviewed for keep ghosting me. This one company reached out TO ME to schedule an interview. After replying within the hours, I didn't see or hear from them for 2 weeks. Fast forward another week where I had the interviews, I kindly asked when I may hear back as I thought the interview went well. They said today. Low and behold it's 7:34 PM and I sat at home the whole day waiting for a call that never came. If I didn't get the job, fine – but at least have the decency to tell me instead of being so inconsiderate of my time. Hell I wouldn't even care if they didn't already reject me and just emailed me to say “we're still mulling” that would've been fine too. But no – nothing.

Fuck the system I'm sick and tired of being pigeon holed into what I did my first job. It's impossible to switch industries without taking a huge pay cut, degrading and arduous job searches and interviews only to be stood up by the would be employers because they apparently value my time so little that they couldn't even take the time to write a 2 sentence email.

Fuck you employers.

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