
I Want To Quit But Cant Find The Guts

So late September, early October, I started my job as a FEDEX Driver. And at first it was decent, fun even. Sure I had to drive an hour to get to work but the drive wasnt so bad. But then what we call peak season arrived (November to Christmas). Again at first it wasnt so bad. But since the last two weeks of November to now I've worked 10 plus hours a day for 6 to sometimes 7 days in a row on an injured foot. I havent made it home before sundown in weeks, I keep nodding off while driving home and my social life has vanished completely because I'm never home any more. My day is like this: Wake Up at 5. Leave at 6. Arrive at terminal by 7. Drive out with truck by 9 (if Im lucky) Stay out delivering packages til 7. Drop Off Truck…

So late September, early October, I started my job as a FEDEX Driver. And at first it was decent, fun even. Sure I had to drive an hour to get to work but the drive wasnt so bad. But then what we call peak season arrived (November to Christmas). Again at first it wasnt so bad.

But since the last two weeks of November to now I've worked 10 plus hours a day for 6 to sometimes 7 days in a row on an injured foot. I havent made it home before sundown in weeks, I keep nodding off while driving home and my social life has vanished completely because I'm never home any more. My day is like this:

Wake Up at 5.

Leave at 6.

Arrive at terminal by 7.

Drive out with truck by 9 (if Im lucky)

Stay out delivering packages til 7.

Drop Off Truck by 7 30.

Be home by 8 30 or 9.

Eat Dinner. Go to bed. Repeat the next day.

I've had mental breakdown after mental breakdown even after explaining this to my boss. I've tried different excuses just to get a day off, but my boss keeps giving me excuses to counter those. Flat Tire? We'll call you an uber. Out of gas? I'll send you gas money (Which is nice of him to be fair) But yesterday crossed the line.

My injured foot (which wasnt caused by Fedex) has gotten bad to the point where yesterday I couldnt put weight on it. My boss then says cant you work with a cane?

I want out in the worse way but just cant find the guts to do it, mostly out of fear my boss will reject it or try to talk me out of it.

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