
I want to quit my job but I fear I’m too stupid for anything else

I've been wanting to quit my job for a long time. While I've been searching continuously for something, anything new, I've been met with nothing but dead ends. And the thought of retraining somewhere else is terrifying to me because I do not pick up anything fast at all. It's like there's a disconnect in my brain and nothing clicks. You could show me the same thing 5 times and I still dont understand. Eventually I'll get it, but its not at the snap of my fingers and it's frustrating. I swear I could be autistic or something. (Of course no one believes me but that's besides the point) and I have a severe learning disability with math and numbers in general. So I'm honestly probably fucked in terms of jobs for the rest of my life. All I want is to have something livable and not make 10.45 an…

I've been wanting to quit my job for a long time. While I've been searching continuously for something, anything new, I've been met with nothing but dead ends. And the thought of retraining somewhere else is terrifying to me because I do not pick up anything fast at all. It's like there's a disconnect in my brain and nothing clicks. You could show me the same thing 5 times and I still dont understand. Eventually I'll get it, but its not at the snap of my fingers and it's frustrating.

I swear I could be autistic or something. (Of course no one believes me but that's besides the point) and I have a severe learning disability with math and numbers in general. So I'm honestly probably fucked in terms of jobs for the rest of my life.

All I want is to have something livable and not make 10.45 an hour.

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