
I want to quit my new housekeeping job

Hello everyone! Am I dumb for wanting to leave this new job because they wouldn't train me or schedule me with my original trainer? So basically you get 6 days to train with someone. She couldn't come in the last few days and they paired me with someone different that isn't a trainer at all, this person lacked patience and barked orders at me as I cleaned away. the way the other girl trained was much better. Short backstory: I have a hearing impairment (wear hearing aids but pretty much deaf w/o them) I left my previous retail job because getting karen'd at daily was messing with my mental ngl. But today was so stressful she got mad at me over my pace I just calmly tried to quickly clean but still double check everything but that wasn't enough. so she got a supervisor and the head boss upstairs to…

Hello everyone! Am I dumb for wanting to leave this new job because they wouldn't train me or schedule me with my original trainer?

So basically you get 6 days to train with someone. She couldn't come in the last few days and they paired me with someone different that isn't a trainer at all, this person lacked patience and barked orders at me as I cleaned away. the way the other girl trained was much better.

Short backstory: I have a hearing impairment (wear hearing aids but pretty much deaf w/o them) I left my previous retail job because getting karen'd at daily was messing with my mental ngl.

But today was so stressful she got mad at me over my pace I just calmly tried to quickly clean but still double check everything but that wasn't enough. so she got a supervisor and the head boss upstairs to watch me. I anxiously tried showing them what I know then they left me with her again. I cleaned 14 rooms (was meant to do 19) but left early since the lady got mad over a eyelash on the side of the toilet bowl. I am a quiet person so I didn't argue just cleaned then left. Should I just quit or ask for more training again? the first time I asked, the boss said “hmmm idk that's gonna be tricky.” so…

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