
I want to sabotage my shitty boss

Im finally quitting my job with my narcissistic, shitty, rude ass boss that literally treats everyone around him like shit. For reference the only reason I didn’t quiet earlier is because I was waiting to get hired at another job first before quitting this one. My boss is an all time ass. I wrote him my two week notice letter and Monday morning came and he screamed at me in front of patients. They were shook. So basically his wife and him are saying I’m in charge of finding someone else to take my place so I can have time to train them before I leave in a week. I’m almost telling every single candidate to run for the hills and not look back. He has someone coming in today and she doesn’t want to hire her because she’s a mom. (Says she’ll call out too much for her kids)…

Im finally quitting my job with my narcissistic, shitty, rude ass boss that literally treats everyone around him like shit. For reference the only reason I didn’t quiet earlier is because I was waiting to get hired at another job first before quitting this one. My boss is an all time ass. I wrote him my two week notice letter and Monday morning came and he screamed at me in front of patients. They were shook. So basically his wife and him are saying I’m in charge of finding someone else to take my place so I can have time to train them before I leave in a week. I’m almost telling every single candidate to run for the hills and not look back. He has someone coming in today and she doesn’t want to hire her because she’s a mom. (Says she’ll call out too much for her kids) mind you he doesn’t know how to do anything on his own. She’s coming in today at 4 to talk to him and I’m really debating on giving her subtle hints on it to work for him because of how rude he is.

Would I be an asshole? Trust me I can go more into depth about why he deserves it

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