
I want to talk about corporatism

I don't know how popular this'll be around here, but I like to think of myself as an ethical free market capitalist. That is, I think it's every man's job to not only make a buck but to be good and honest about how he does it. I know a lot of people have beef with capitalism. I get it. That's what got us all into this mess, right? Well, maybe. But what I want to talk about is corporatism. Sure a small business owner can be an asshole. But tell me what institutions have driven down wages, driven up prices, and dehumanized the entire work experience? What kind of business privatizes profits and socializes losses? Who's too big to fail? Who lobbies the gov't for special treatment? Who can destroy a whole community by shutting down a plant or closing a warehouse? I wanna know what you think about…

I don't know how popular this'll be around here, but I like to think of myself as an ethical free market capitalist. That is, I think it's every man's job to not only make a buck but to be good and honest about how he does it. I know a lot of people have beef with capitalism. I get it. That's what got us all into this mess, right? Well, maybe.

But what I want to talk about is corporatism. Sure a small business owner can be an asshole. But tell me what institutions have driven down wages, driven up prices, and dehumanized the entire work experience? What kind of business privatizes profits and socializes losses? Who's too big to fail? Who lobbies the gov't for special treatment? Who can destroy a whole community by shutting down a plant or closing a warehouse?

I wanna know what you think about capitalism sans corporations. And if you know other subs this might go better in, I'll thank you for the directions. Cheers.

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