
I want to thank you all

I opened up a restaurant a few months ago as my first business venture (currently employed in healthcare). I come here to see the shitty things employers do but also I come here for advice and to listen to upset employees. We (business partner) pay our workers higher then industry standard or what any other restaurant around us pays, give them all free food and drinks on the clock and treat them like human beings. This was also before we made a single dollar or had any clue if we’d be successful. We also take the time to get to know each staff member, what’s going on in their personal life and even tho some of our employees are younger and won’t be with us forever I take the time to sit and talk to them about college and help them with the future. Guess what? They all love their…

I opened up a restaurant a few months ago as my first business venture (currently employed in healthcare). I come here to see the shitty things employers do but also I come here for advice and to listen to upset employees.

We (business partner) pay our workers higher then industry standard or what any other restaurant around us pays, give them all free food and drinks on the clock and treat them like human beings. This was also before we made a single dollar or had any clue if we’d be successful. We also take the time to get to know each staff member, what’s going on in their personal life and even tho some of our employees are younger and won’t be with us forever I take the time to sit and talk to them about college and help them with the future.

Guess what? They all love their jobs and treat each and every customer with love and respect.

The word has gotten out and we have many people lined up to work inside. Moral of the story is invest in your staff and they will take care of your business better then you could imagine.

Also, when someone needs off last second we give it no question and WE cover the day if nobody else will. You know what happens when we get busy and ask our staff to stay late? They gladly do it because we take care of them when they need it.

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