
I was about to ask for a raise

But my boss's dad died last night. I like my job. It's a good part time thing while I'm in college. The last few weeks I've been doing too much while Boss has been dealing with his sick father. I told myself I'd do this 'til he got back. Then ask for a raise and put in two weeks if he refused. If I quit without notice, I'd be screwing over my coworkers in ways I'm not comfortable doing.

But my boss's dad died last night.

I like my job. It's a good part time thing while I'm in college. The last few weeks I've been doing too much while Boss has been dealing with his sick father.

I told myself I'd do this 'til he got back. Then ask for a raise and put in two weeks if he refused. If I quit without notice, I'd be screwing over my coworkers in ways I'm not comfortable doing.

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