
I was accused of being part of an inside job to rob the restaurant I work at.

For some background, Im a 22F and started working at a local restaurant a little over a month ago. Today I was called into the office over a “suspicious question” I asked the manager on duty. I asked this guy what time he ends up getting home and also what time the restaurant closes. Honestly I didn’t think much of the question I asked, but it was a huge red flag to the manager, who then accused me of having intentions of robbing the restaurant. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say, so I had to explain that I didn’t mean anything negative by that question. Its not like I asked him what’s the code to the safe or where he keeps all his keys. I just don’t get it and I feel like I could just be getting discriminated against. Is there anything I can do…

For some background, Im a 22F and started working at a local restaurant a little over a month ago. Today I was called into the office over a “suspicious question” I asked the manager on duty. I asked this guy what time he ends up getting home and also what time the restaurant closes. Honestly I didn’t think much of the question I asked, but it was a huge red flag to the manager, who then accused me of having intentions of robbing the restaurant. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say, so I had to explain that I didn’t mean anything negative by that question. Its not like I asked him what’s the code to the safe or where he keeps all his keys. I just don’t get it and I feel like I could just be getting discriminated against. Is there anything I can do about this situation?

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