
I was an executive. Fired with no warning.

I ran the BI dept at our start-up. If you needed data you came to me. And I delivered. Unless it was impossible. Because, some data is impossible; I cannot tell you specific details about specific customers. I have an email address and a series of data points associated with it. Age? Gender? Income? If they haven't volunteered that information I don't know it. Well, round 4 of layoffs since 2022 started. And nobody in the executive team is talking to me. And I found out about the pllayoff second hand. And… Yup. Two business days later I'm laid off. Company presidential calls me because I'm starting to ask colleagues point blank “Am I okay” and… Cut. Two pay period severance. Just dumped on the streets. Because tech couldn't get a data layer in place to make analytics useful. “You're not doing the job you were hired for”… The worst…

I ran the BI dept at our start-up.

If you needed data you came to me. And I delivered. Unless it was impossible.

Because, some data is impossible; I cannot tell you specific details about specific customers.

I have an email address and a series of data points associated with it.

Age? Gender? Income? If they haven't volunteered that information I don't know it.

Well, round 4 of layoffs since 2022 started. And nobody in the executive team is talking to me. And I found out about the pllayoff second hand. And…

Yup. Two business days later I'm laid off. Company presidential calls me because I'm starting to ask colleagues point blank “Am I okay” and…

Cut. Two pay period severance. Just dumped on the streets.

Because tech couldn't get a data layer in place to make analytics useful. “You're not doing the job you were hired for”…

The worst part? I paid for myself once in cost cutting and again in ROI (SEO growth) and it didn't matter. It's cold our here.

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