
I was fired because I refused my managers advances

A few years ago I worked for a regional branch of larger last mile shipping company as a CSR Dispatcher. I was one of 3 male employees in the call room of about 12 people (6 first shift, 6 second shift). My manager was a woman who was married with 2 children. I enjoyed my job and how relaxed the environment was. Most of the work took place in short bursts a few times a day so for large portions of the day there's was little to do but paperwork and answer the odd call. Most of us would chat and watch Netflix on one of the large TVs we had in the call room and we got to know each other pretty well. After about 8 months of being there my boss began to make advances on me. She would always flirt with me and when she would come…

A few years ago I worked for a regional branch of larger last mile shipping company as a CSR Dispatcher. I was one of 3 male employees in the call room of about 12 people (6 first shift, 6 second shift). My manager was a woman who was married with 2 children. I enjoyed my job and how relaxed the environment was. Most of the work took place in short bursts a few times a day so for large portions of the day there's was little to do but paperwork and answer the odd call. Most of us would chat and watch Netflix on one of the large TVs we had in the call room and we got to know each other pretty well. After about 8 months of being there my boss began to make advances on me. She would always flirt with me and when she would come over to my desk she would put her hands on my shoulders or lean over so I had little choice but to look down her shirt if I didnt want to look at the ceiling or floor. I ignored it and after a while the advances became more aggressive culminating in being groped in the server room while I was helping her fix an issue with the internet. (I have an IT background so when little things broke I fixed them) I rebuffed her and told her she was married and I was uncomfortable with the way she was treating me. A few days later the night shift manager quit, the assistant manager was promoted and as the only other employee on night shift who wasnt a trainee it was assumed by both her boss and the day shift manager I would be taking over the position since I frequently worked double shifts, had perfect attendance, had previous management experience and was generally a reliable employee who was currently training one of the new hires. When I asked about who would be filling the position I was given a smirk and told that one of the day shift girls who had health problems, missed work frequently and was on day shift because she couldn't work nights would be taking over I was visibly upset and was told I should have made better choices when I asked why. When I began to withdraw socially at work, stopped working double shifts and generally just did my work and went home my boss made another pass at me with the insinuation that if I accepted things would go my way and there would even be a pay bonus to go along with a new position. I refused and was fired a few days later with the excuse that I just wasn't a good fit and not a “team player”. I found a better job a few days later and within 6 months the company had closed the reginal office and everyone was fired due to mismanagement

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