
I was fired for almost 2 months before anybody, including me, realized it.

I’ll keep this short, but for context, I’ve been working part time at this hospital food service job since high school. When I left for college they let me keep my position so I could work during holiday breaks. Over this past Christmas break I worked for 2 weeks before I learned I had been fired since Nov 11 because I didn’t have my flu shot (I completely forgot about it). Apparently no one in my department was aware of this, so I wasn’t informed. The only reason we figured it out was because I couldn’t log into the computer to take pt. orders. This happened around new years so a lot of the people that sort this kinda stuff out were one break. Anyways, they told me that they would fight HR on it and to keep working. I worked for ~4 more days before I was officially told…

I’ll keep this short, but for context, I’ve been working part time at this hospital food service job since high school. When I left for college they let me keep my position so I could work during holiday breaks.

Over this past Christmas break I worked for 2 weeks before I learned I had been fired since Nov 11 because I didn’t have my flu shot (I completely forgot about it). Apparently no one in my department was aware of this, so I wasn’t informed. The only reason we figured it out was because I couldn’t log into the computer to take pt. orders. This happened around new years so a lot of the people that sort this kinda stuff out were one break.

Anyways, they told me that they would fight HR on it and to keep working. I worked for ~4 more days before I was officially told to leave since they couldn’t guarantee I’d be paid. I was told that they were still sorting things out and to reapply while I waited. That was 3 weeks ago.

I don’t even really care about the job. I’ve been there for 5 years, it was time for me leave anyways…but shouldn’t I still get some money for working?? I understand the flu shot thing was my fault but I still worked for almost 3 whole weeks before anyone in my department knew I was fired. It’s a wack situation

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