
I was fired for being hospitalized

2 months ago I had a mental breakdown (mostly due to work), and was hospitalized for a bit. After that I was discharged to a partial hospitalization program, but left early as I didn't have anymore PTO, and couldn't afford to miss work. When I returned to work I told my supervisor I was looking for a new job, because I thought it was only fair to give them warning. Silly fucking me. They immediately started looking for another person to fill the spot. Meanwhile I was so overloaded with work my mental health issues were getting worse. I decided that I should seek help again. I asked my supervisor, and HR manager if I could take leave again to go back, and finish out the partial hospitalization program. They both agreed to this, and told me to just focus on getting better, and only asked that I give a…

2 months ago I had a mental breakdown (mostly due to work), and was hospitalized for a bit. After that I was discharged to a partial hospitalization program, but left early as I didn't have anymore PTO, and couldn't afford to miss work.

When I returned to work I told my supervisor I was looking for a new job, because I thought it was only fair to give them warning. Silly fucking me.

They immediately started looking for another person to fill the spot. Meanwhile I was so overloaded with work my mental health issues were getting worse. I decided that I should seek help again. I asked my supervisor, and HR manager if I could take leave again to go back, and finish out the partial hospitalization program. They both agreed to this, and told me to just focus on getting better, and only asked that I give a doctor's note.

I sent the note to HR yesterday, and was asked to come in for a “discussion” regarding it. I told HR I couldn't come in, and to email me whatever it is they needed to tell me. I was then told they were terminating me. The reason they gave is that they couldn't hold my position open during my leave.

I don't know what to think. I'm pissed, and sad, but mostly I'm fucking tired of having to fight just to take care of my mental health.

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