Long story short, my boss had to come over to deliver something I’d left. He didn’t tell me he was coming, but he came by and put it together. He made a snippy comment about how he thought I only had A girlfriend and not TWO girlfriends. Anyways, the next day I got an email early saying my contract was terminated. I came up to my job to talk to my boss, but he’d keep turning to coworkers and saying “_____, tell Telvin that he’s done.” And then they’d tell me I was done in an obnoxious way. This one guy is walked up to me and yelled “YOU’RE DONE.” In my face just case. When I was in the parking lot, a lady from HR came and told me this was the last time I’d be on the property. She yelled that I was gone and handed me a form for how to send in my stuff. My boss blocked my number and email and I don’t even get severance pay. I need the money too, I’m really scared.