
I was fired for getting a brain injury, denied disability, so I started my own company. As exciting as that has been, the costs are really starting to pile up

Original post detailing my injury and starting of the company Update* It's been a constant battle and I'm still working on trying to get back to normal. Things like shopping, driving, exercising, even conversations become a struggle most days. I've poured every ounce of myself into trying to make this business a success and I will keep doing so until it comes to fruition. In addition to everything we offer on the website we are beginning to launch our own homemade all-natural dog treats! I'm so very excited about this and I've been pushing myself to make batches all day every day. My wife loves that I've been so motivated but as you can probably imagine this hasn't been easy on her, especially financially. The cost of running even an online business adds up quickly and now that we are making all-natural treats the ingredients, packaging, baking materials, medical…

Original post detailing my injury and starting of the company

It's been a constant battle and I'm still working on trying to get back to normal. Things like shopping, driving, exercising, even conversations become a struggle most days. I've poured every ounce of myself into trying to make this business a success and I will keep doing so until it comes to fruition.

In addition to everything we offer on the website we are beginning to launch our own homemade all-natural dog treats! I'm so very excited about this and I've been pushing myself to make batches all day every day. My wife loves that I've been so motivated but as you can probably imagine this hasn't been easy on her, especially financially. The cost of running even an online business adds up quickly and now that we are making all-natural treats the ingredients, packaging, baking materials, medical bills, doctors visits, prescriptions, physical rehab therapy, and the utilities bills are all piling up. We hope that someday soon we will become successful and I would love nothing more then to see even just 1 person and their dog happy with something they got from The Fuzzy Paw.

Any support from you is beyond appreciated. I know this was a lot to read and I am so grateful to those of you who have taken the time to read it all.

Thank you so much

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