
I was fired from my job for asking for my pay

Hello I was recently fired from one of the top restaurant franchises in the world for asking for my pay. The owner let’s call him P is a not the best at keeping his employees happy. He has fired multiple managers in the past few money because of them not saying yes to everything he wanted. In around march i was promoted to a busser coach position along with another one of my coworkers. This promotion came with a increase in hourly from 4 to 6.50 a 150 dollar signing bonus for completing training. and a 150 per person trained bonus aswell. It took me fighting tooth and mail with management to even get my raise to 6.50. it took months, they locked me out of my paystubs so i couldn’t see how much i was getting and told me that it was never a thing. On Saturday which is…

Hello I was recently fired from one of the top restaurant franchises in the world for asking for my pay. The owner let’s call him P is a not the best at keeping his employees happy. He has fired multiple managers in the past few money because of them not saying yes to everything he wanted.
In around march i was promoted to a busser coach position along with another one of my coworkers. This promotion came with a increase in hourly from 4 to 6.50 a 150 dollar signing bonus for completing training. and a 150 per person trained bonus aswell. It took me fighting tooth and mail with management to even get my raise to 6.50. it took months, they locked me out of my paystubs so i couldn’t see how much i was getting and told me that it was never a thing. On Saturday which is ussaly our busiest day but it was quite slower this day. P pulls me aside and asks if I am a coach here i say yes sir i am. He says i should be leading by example ( i went to the bathroom because i need to be drinking more water because of my rhabdo diagnosis)
I say yeah i know i’m sorry i’ve been trying my best but today hasnt been my best shift. I than ask for the 900 dollars I am owed for training 6 new people. He than gets super mad and pulls me away from the dining room. He than say are you really gonna ask of about this now?? in the middle of the saturdays shift!! I said yeah I am. He than says how about you clock out and go home and we can talk about this another time. mind you it was about 730 and i still had a lot of tables. So i leave and i’m removed from our schedule app. Someone please tell me this is illegal

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