
I was fired in October of 2022. I got on board a new job through a temp agency in November 2022. I worked four months and was hired on permanently. I will not earn a paid day off for another three months.

Fired on October 21st. First day at new job through temp agency was November 14th. First official day as an employee was March 14th. I have not received a cent of pay for holidays and I won’t begin earning paid time off until June 14th. By the time I accumulate one single day of paid time off, it will have been 8 months since I had the opportunity for one. I’m exhausted.

Fired on October 21st.
First day at new job through temp agency was November 14th.
First official day as an employee was March 14th. I have not received a cent of pay for holidays and I won’t begin earning paid time off until June 14th.
By the time I accumulate one single day of paid time off, it will have been 8 months since I had the opportunity for one.

I’m exhausted.

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