
I was fired the same day my job gave me a 50 dollar gift card for being the top performer in the department.

Additional context: I was working at an insurance company in Scottsdale, AZ and was a 1 year employee. Because like most normal humans I cannot do insurance for 8 hours straight I would spend a little time on Reddit between working accounts. No rules against this, my production was great- so my boss didn’t care. A 25 year employee that worked next to me, however, cared profoundly. He would take pictures behind my back showing me on Reddit (we shared a space with our backs to each other) and began showing the pictures not to my boss… but her boss. He even began tracking how long my bathroom breaks were and reported it to management. Irony is this guy literally ran a side gig from work selling sports jerseys & helmets secondhand. Anyway- without a single warning whatsoever I was called in by HR a few hours after we had…

Additional context: I was working at an insurance company in Scottsdale, AZ and was a 1 year employee. Because like most normal humans I cannot do insurance for 8 hours straight I would spend a little time on Reddit between working accounts. No rules against this, my production was great- so my boss didn’t care. A 25 year employee that worked next to me, however, cared profoundly. He would take pictures behind my back showing me on Reddit (we shared a space with our backs to each other) and began showing the pictures not to my boss… but her boss. He even began tracking how long my bathroom breaks were and reported it to management. Irony is this guy literally ran a side gig from work selling sports jerseys & helmets secondhand. Anyway- without a single warning whatsoever I was called in by HR a few hours after we had a company meeting in which I was awarded a 50 dollar gift card for being a top performer in the department. They told me I wasn’t on task enough and fired me on the spot.

Fuck corporate America

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