
I was fired this morning, is there for me to ask for more for severance?

This morning, I was fired from my toxic job after using my sick days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I sent a doctor's note to my boss via text before deciding to quit next Wednesday without giving any notice because I start my new contract-hire job on Thursday. As soon as I clocked in, my boss asked me how I was feeling and then called me into HR. They terminated my employment effective immediately and offered me two weeks of severance, which I have 21 days to accept or decline. I am aware that the company is not being generous; they are offering me this package to prevent any legal action. However, given how much my health deteriorated due to this job in the last year and a half, I am wondering if there is any way for me to request a higher severance package. I am also concerned whether…

This morning, I was fired from my toxic job after using my sick days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I sent a doctor's note to my boss via text before deciding to quit next Wednesday without giving any notice because I start my new contract-hire job on Thursday. As soon as I clocked in, my boss asked me how I was feeling and then called me into HR.

They terminated my employment effective immediately and offered me two weeks of severance, which I have 21 days to accept or decline. I am aware that the company is not being generous; they are offering me this package to prevent any legal action. However, given how much my health deteriorated due to this job in the last year and a half, I am wondering if there is any way for me to request a higher severance package.

I am also concerned whether accepting this severance offer could affect my future background checks by indicating that I was terminated. Can I negotiate with the company to label my departure as a resignation instead of a termination to avoid any negative effects during future job interviews?

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