After searching for a job for nearly 3 months, I started this job on April 26th. It was decent pay, nearby, and the right hours. I thought everything was going OK, it was whole new industry for me and I was learning quickly.
I never got any sort of employee handbook or was told any rules about anything, at all.
Well after getting my own desk a week in, and having a few accounts to handle, I would sometimes scroll through my phone when I had nothing else to do at the moment. It was never when I had work to be done.
I even asked my coworker daily (sometimes multiple times a day) if she had anything that I could help her with, and would do that work for her between mine. Still, sometimes I had a few free minutes, and I would respond to a text or look at Facebook for a minute.
I was fired for using my phone.
I think this is utterly ridiculous. If I had been told that I was not supposed to use my phone at work, I wouldn't have.
So here am jobless again. I'm a single mom with no savings left, My 41st birthday was yesterday, and my dad is actively dying from cancer.