
I was given an ultimatum(hopefully I’m using this correctly)

I had a problem with my coworker who threatened to kill me and of course you’re supposed to file a report against them at work so my manager and my union rep wanted to talk to me about what’s going on and I told them and now my manager and my union rep(who’s supposed to be on my side) got me in trouble for filling out a report against and I’ll tell you why he threatened to kill me so there’s 5 people stationed at their post and it only requieres 3 people so I asked my lead if I can use the bathroom just for 5 mins and I come back and he says next time I use the bathroom he’s gonna bash my skull through the wall till I’m dead. I Told my manager that and she said I have 2 choices either let him threaten me and…

I had a problem with my coworker who threatened to kill me and of course you’re supposed to file a report against them at work so my manager and my union rep wanted to talk to me about what’s going on and I told them and now my manager and my union rep(who’s supposed to be on my side) got me in trouble for filling out a report against and I’ll tell you why he threatened to kill me so there’s 5 people stationed at their post and it only requieres 3 people so I asked my lead if I can use the bathroom just for 5 mins and I come back and he says next time I use the bathroom he’s gonna bash my skull through the wall till I’m dead. I
Told my manager that and she said I have 2 choices either let him threaten me and just ignore him or quit because she’s sick and tired of getting reports from other people complaining about other people

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