
I was harrased and almost physically assaulted by a resident’s family member and our facility didnt do doing anything about it.

Im going to try to make this short because Im still pretty shaken up by it. It will probably still be long as its kinda crazy. I work in a nursing home for context. I was told a resident's wife wanted to ask me a question about a package I helped them open. (I physically cut the tape but he did every else and I just threw the box away when he was done.) She started screaming and cussing at me immediately about how we must have stolen his snacks because she can't see them. I explained to her that I helped him open it, but I wasn't sure about where some of the snacks were as i am in activities and typicallydont work on this unit. I can only assume he ate them as you could see every other snack was still on his table. Well she started getting…

Im going to try to make this short because Im still pretty shaken up by it. It will probably still be long as its kinda crazy. I work in a nursing home for context. I was told a resident's wife wanted to ask me a question about a package I helped them open. (I physically cut the tape but he did every else and I just threw the box away when he was done.)

She started screaming and cussing at me immediately about how we must have stolen his snacks because she can't see them. I explained to her that I helped him open it, but I wasn't sure about where some of the snacks were as i am in activities and typicallydont work on this unit. I can only assume he ate them as you could see every other snack was still on his table. Well she started getting really aggressive with me to the point my coworker told me to leave immediately and my other coworker started dragging me out of the room. I told her before I left “mam I'm sorry, but if you can't have a professional conversation with me I'm not going to continue this conversation.”

She then started screaming and getting more aggressive whole chasing me down the unit. I tried to go into the nurses station thinking she wouldn't go in there, but she immediately ran in and tried to block me from leaving. I was able to eventually get past her and started jogging for our director of nursing's office. Everyone was trying to page her and our administrator while this was happening. She started running after me cussing and getting more aggressive the whole time.

I eventually got to our DON'S office, but the wife caught up to me and was able to grab a hold of me and started yanking on my arm hard to pull me back to her. Thank goodness another employee was able to step between me and her and prevent her from actually hitting me.

She only calmed down when our administrator and DON offered to talk to her in their office. They didn't even make her leave. She was allowed to fucking stay. They never even addressed it with her, they let her go on with business as usual. I was very aggressive harrased, she entered an off limit zone and tried to block me from leaving, chased me to the complete opposite end of the facility, physically grabbed and yanked me and was only stopped when someone physically blocked her from me. She wasn't even asked to leave. After everyone noticed she was still there, I asked administration if anything was going to be done about it. They said to give a statement and they will look into it.

Well after several coworkers told me to call the cops, I did end up doing so. I wanted to check with administration first before doing so as I had no idea what procedure was for this kind of thing, only to find both the DON and administrator left for the day early.

Long story short she is getting charged with harassment and possibly some charge for entering the nurses station. The DON only came back to the facility after hearing that the cops were here. Only AFTER the cops came and left was I finally asked if I wanted her to leave. The entire time was half listening and didn't address any of my concerns. She ended the conversation with “alright well I'm going home and taking a nap.:

I was fucking harrased and almost assaulted over some fucking saltine crackers. SALTINE CRACKERS. All I got in return was “Allright well I'm going home and taking a nap.”

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