
I was having a conversation with my boomer mom a couple nights ago about why I want leave the United States (workers’ rights, for one). And her response was “Well, that hasn’t happened to you, though.”

And that’s the whole fucking problem with boomers, as a whole. They just don’t give a damn if it isn’t a problem for them. I told her the US is the only democracy on the planet without free or national healthcare. That we are almost the only country on earth with no vacation days or sick days or maternity days guaranteed by law. I told her other places are switching, or already have, to a 4-day work week. I said my vacation submission was denied because another employee quit and they aren’t going to fill his spot, and now we can’t have two people off on the same day. I told her if I lived anywhere else in the developed world, that I would simply tell my employer “Hey, I’m not going to be in next” and that’s it, they couldn’t stop me from going. I told her life shouldn’t…

And that’s the whole fucking problem with boomers, as a whole. They just don’t give a damn if it isn’t a problem for them. I told her the US is the only democracy on the planet without free or national healthcare. That we are almost the only country on earth with no vacation days or sick days or maternity days guaranteed by law. I told her other places are switching, or already have, to a 4-day work week. I said my vacation submission was denied because another employee quit and they aren’t going to fill his spot, and now we can’t have two people off on the same day. I told her if I lived anywhere else in the developed world, that I would simply tell my employer “Hey, I’m not going to be in next” and that’s it, they couldn’t stop me from going. I told her life shouldn’t be all about servitude to a corporation. I said in other countries employees call out sick and there’s no concern of losing their job. She said “Well that just sounds entitled to me.”

Slightly off the topic of work now, but still related…

I said how Republican states are making abortions illegal and the doctors and women that are involved can be jailed and/or executed. I told her that 10 year old girls that have been raped by a relative will be, and are being, forced to keep the pregnancy. That they want to make interracial marriage illegal, gay marriage illegal. They want to make it illegal to be trans. She said “Well, that hasn’t happened to you, though.”

The entire boomer mentality is “If it’s not a problem for me, fuck it.” I know there are some “good” boomers out there. And I thought about telling you that I am not speaking about you. I’m sure some of you tried.However, you few good ones did not do enough to stop the bad ones.

Peace and love to you good boomers, this is more of a criticism of you than an attack. I’m not trying to come off as ageist or generationist. Like when your team lost the big game and Coach is telling you that you let everyone down.

Also, before anyone says it, I was still 100% planning to go on my vacation anyway and deal with the consequences. Long story short, the cost of the vacation ended up being way more expensive than we had originally thought. So we are CHOOSING not to go.

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