
I was let go from my job and I think it’s because my wife is Jewish.

I was recently laid off from my procurement job of five years. It seemed off to me at the time but the company cut me a severance and told me they wouldn’t dispute my unemployment claim. I think this was in an effort to keep me quiet. A couple months prior to me being cut loose one of the confounders of the company was recommending to some coworkers of mine the internet documentary series “Europa – The Last Battle” which is pretty infamously neo nazi propaganda. After discussing it with my wife we decided the thing to do was to look the other way to maintain employment. Then probably a week or two before I was let go the topic of Israel came up in open conversation with the cofounder who was spreading the nazi propaganda. I let it be known that I was married to a Jewish woman to…

I was recently laid off from my procurement job of five years. It seemed off to me at the time but the company cut me a severance and told me they wouldn’t dispute my unemployment claim. I think this was in an effort to keep me quiet.

A couple months prior to me being cut loose one of the confounders of the company was recommending to some coworkers of mine the internet documentary series “Europa – The Last Battle” which is pretty infamously neo nazi propaganda. After discussing it with my wife we decided the thing to do was to look the other way to maintain employment.

Then probably a week or two before I was let go the topic of Israel came up in open conversation with the cofounder who was spreading the nazi propaganda. I let it be known that I was married to a Jewish woman to cut off any antisemitism that might have cropped up in that conversation and two weeks later I was let go. Now they told me at the time it was because the position was being automated and they were looking to cut budget. But I come to find that they have since hired someone else to the role and has even set them in my old desk.

I guess my question is am I in a position to act or am I up Shit Creek since I accepted the severance?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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