
I was never paid and filed a complaint with the Department of Labor. Here’s what happened.

I worked a week for a local doctor. The office staff was insufferable. The doctor would put the staff down (all female and he was male) calling them fat and telling them they needed plastic surgery. This was a plastic surgeon. The office manager was no better. He was the surgeon's brother. Otherwise, they both expected me to use my personal vehicle to travel between their offices during my lunch break, unpaid, and compensation was only $13/hr. So, I told the office manager I was seeking other employment. He texted me trying to negotiate and I shut that down. He then said “why didn't you say something if you weren't happy?” in a text and I blocked him from contacting me entirely because he just can't stand the word “no”. This must have made him angry because he decided not to pay me. I absolutely filled out a W4 and…

I worked a week for a local doctor. The office staff was insufferable. The doctor would put the staff down (all female and he was male) calling them fat and telling them they needed plastic surgery. This was a plastic surgeon.

The office manager was no better. He was the surgeon's brother. Otherwise, they both expected me to use my personal vehicle to travel between their offices during my lunch break, unpaid, and compensation was only $13/hr.

So, I told the office manager I was seeking other employment. He texted me trying to negotiate and I shut that down. He then said “why didn't you say something if you weren't happy?” in a text and I blocked him from contacting me entirely because he just can't stand the word “no”.

This must have made him angry because he decided not to pay me. I absolutely filled out a W4 and also direct deposit banking information.

This was over a month ago. I filed a complaint with the Department of Labor and they called me. The investigator said he had the W4 right there but that the office manager left it blank on the bottom portion stating “she was job shadowing to see if she wanted the job or not and hadn't started working yet.”.

The investigator said he doesn't have enough proof of me working there and that I can sue in Magisterial court but it will be “a waste of time”.

So, I am out about $600 because I can't prove a thing. Asshole employers need to be held accountable. I slammed the business on Indeed as a warning to others. Nothing else I can do I guess but let this be a warning to others.

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