
I was one minute late to work, and got an email from management about it.

I was one minute late today and received the following email: “Good Morning, We noticed you arrived late to the huddle this morning. Please remember that the expectation is to arrive on time, and that this is where we share important information for the running of the day. Thanks, and let us know what questions you have.” I asked my co-workers if any of them have had a similar experience, and one of them arrived right on time seconds after the pre-shift huddle started, and still got an email similar to this one. The word from middle management is soon they’ll be writing people up if they arrive seconds after these huddles start, even if we’re at work on the dot. I really like my job, and it’s a shame because stuff like this makes me question what I’m doing there.

I was one minute late today and received the following email:

“Good Morning,

We noticed you arrived late to the huddle this morning.

Please remember that the expectation is to arrive on time, and that this is where we share important information for the running of the day.

Thanks, and let us know what questions you have.”

I asked my co-workers if any of them have had a similar experience, and one of them arrived right on time seconds after the pre-shift huddle started, and still got an email similar to this one.

The word from middle management is soon they’ll be writing people up if they arrive seconds after these huddles start, even if we’re at work on the dot. I really like my job, and it’s a shame because stuff like this makes me question what I’m doing there.

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