
I was sad to be leaving my job, but now that I’ve found out that my older coworkers shit talk the younger workers, I’m glad I’m gone

Title pretty much describes it all. I knew I was going to be leaving this job at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023 and I was preparing a best as possible. I loved the people, the work, the advancement opportunities, etc. I also thought my boss was just a cool older man who treated us ladies in the department like we were his nieces. He made some BOMB cookies for special occasions, got everyone snacks, a queen sized blanket, and a bottle of champaign for Christmas, even remembering to get me sparkling cider because I don't drink. My other older coworker had kids close to mine and my supervisor's age; she always made sure we ate, had water, moved around for our breaks, and so on. As my date to leave the company got closer and closer, my supervisor and I (and some of my other young coworkers) started opening…

Title pretty much describes it all. I knew I was going to be leaving this job at the end of 2022/beginning of 2023 and I was preparing a best as possible. I loved the people, the work, the advancement opportunities, etc. I also thought my boss was just a cool older man who treated us ladies in the department like we were his nieces. He made some BOMB cookies for special occasions, got everyone snacks, a queen sized blanket, and a bottle of champaign for Christmas, even remembering to get me sparkling cider because I don't drink. My other older coworker had kids close to mine and my supervisor's age; she always made sure we ate, had water, moved around for our breaks, and so on. As my date to leave the company got closer and closer, my supervisor and I (and some of my other young coworkers) started opening up to each other about our personal lives, and the more we let the older boss in on our personal lives, the more I started to see that he was just a typical old guy that thinks “young people are spoiled/lazy/ stress about nothing”. This was the same boss who suggested I do more work for the same pay… yeah, no! My supervisor was talking about how she might be moving in with 5 other people to a 2 bedroom house so she can afford rent and her medical bills, and I'm considering living out of my car because I'm home so little it doesn't justify how much I pay in rent. My boss's response? “Well you two have plans, Back up plans, and back up back up plans, right? So I don't understand why you're stressing.” Yeah boss, don't mind that your subordinate just said she's going to need to move in with 5 people just to afford rent because ShE'S gOt a PLan. My breaking point was when I was packing up my desk; I overheard my boss talking about how my supervisor confided in him that she's dealing with anxiety and he said that because she “wasn't stressing about things having to do with the company, her concerns were not important or valid to him” … I know he may not be able to empathize with her, but come on! That just sounds so rude and I hate to hear such a sweet girl get talked about like that 🙁 it made saying goodbye to the company a hell of a lot easier.

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