
I was terminated yesterday. For what? Swearing. I’m in sales…

The main reason I am in sales is so I can curse like a sailor all day long. It’s what everyone does. About three weeks ago, I was in a recruiting meeting and in it, I accidentally swore when talking about our competition. It wasn’t directed at anyone in the company or company itself. In that same moment, I said, “whoops, my apologies, that was unprofessional” and moved on. Two weeks go by and I have to take leave for only one week due to my significant other being diagnosed with cancer. She has already had it, the fact she has it again is really tough. Taking a week off is ok for that right? You don’t know how much time we have left, it was the right thing to do and really helped her. The day I get back, I was informed over the phone “hey, need to let…

The main reason I am in sales is so I can curse like a sailor all day long. It’s what everyone does. About three weeks ago, I was in a recruiting meeting and in it, I accidentally swore when talking about our competition. It wasn’t directed at anyone in the company or company itself. In that same moment, I said, “whoops, my apologies, that was unprofessional” and moved on.

Two weeks go by and I have to take leave for only one week due to my significant other being diagnosed with cancer. She has already had it, the fact she has it again is really tough. Taking a week off is ok for that right? You don’t know how much time we have left, it was the right thing to do and really helped her.

The day I get back, I was informed over the phone “hey, need to let you know someone complained and you need to not swear on zoom meetings.” I said, “seriously?! Come on, we are in sales.. I have sworn so many times, I’ve never been written up.” We talked some more, that was that. So I thought…

The next day, I get a written warning. First offense. All official and such. With words saying “if it happens again. Termination.” Red flags went up, obviously. Never written up in my life. Except when I was 19 and didn’t show up for a shift. Made complete sense then. But this? What?

Two weeks go by, no communication or anything else. Got a call yesterday that lasted three minutes with my superior and HR. Told, “negative attitude” was my cause. Complete crock of shit. Haha!

I already have interviews and offers this week. Knew this was coming and reached out. Trust your gut boys and girls!

Thanks for reading and fuck you to the company I used to work for. You knew my girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer… there must be a special place in hell reserved for all of you.

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