
I will never understand the idea of forcing people to spent time together outside of work.

We all know the deal you must show for holiday party x or I should be your best friend because we work together, and work should be my social circle etc. Why? There's nothing wrong with being friends with the people you work with, and it does make things easier, but it isn't a requirement. As long as I do my job well get paid fairly, treated with respect and am generally professional for the most part not counting the bad days we are allowed to have those everyone once a while that is enough. Honestly, after spending most of my time dealing work people and work shit why would I want to deal with y'all on my off time which is mostly eaten up by life admin shit anyway. What little remains that doesn't involve sleep is mine to do with as I please. If that means not dealing…

We all know the deal you must show for holiday party x or I should be your best friend because we work together, and work should be my social circle etc. Why? There's nothing wrong with being friends with the people you work with, and it does make things easier, but it isn't a requirement. As long as I do my job well get paid fairly, treated with respect and am generally professional for the most part not counting the bad days we are allowed to have those everyone once a while that is enough.

Honestly, after spending most of my time dealing work people and work shit why would I want to deal with y'all on my off time which is mostly eaten up by life admin shit anyway. What little remains that doesn't involve sleep is mine to do with as I please. If that means not dealing with work people 'til the next time, I see you at work than so, be it. So many people are so offended by the idea.

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