
I will officially enter a strike on Jan 1, 2023.

I'm on my own in the world. I have to fight for every little thing and I'm tired. I'm getting older. I need to have a home and a family. I have no time left and my clock ran out last night. Over this December, I will be working on wording and drawings. Trying to find artists and graphic designers who will contribute to the cause. On January 1, I will be protesting and handing out flyers. I'm thinking of using stencils to create larger signage and spray painting poster board as a more cost effective form over a print shop. My plan is to be in a highly visible public place. I'm going to use this boards address as a place to redirect the public. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The only way out of Aspen during winter is through this town. Some of the richest people in the world have…

I'm on my own in the world. I have to fight for every little thing and I'm tired. I'm getting older. I need to have a home and a family. I have no time left and my clock ran out last night.

Over this December, I will be working on wording and drawings. Trying to find artists and graphic designers who will contribute to the cause.

On January 1, I will be protesting and handing out flyers. I'm thinking of using stencils to create larger signage and spray painting poster board as a more cost effective form over a print shop. My plan is to be in a highly visible public place. I'm going to use this boards address as a place to redirect the public.

Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The only way out of Aspen during winter is through this town. Some of the richest people in the world have their 12th mansion in this region. Workers pour in and out of the area only to return to a crumbling shack that is horribly overpriced. I will be on the corner of Grand Ave and 8th.

I hit them from the top. Get in the faces of the richest people. It's going to take resolve and I'll be harassed. There's some bad bad people there. I ask that you people in the city hit them from the bottom. The masses are in the cities and the numbers game is there.

If where I'm at grows bigger, guess what? Disruption of the ultra wealthy actually happens. We can shut down their ski resort. We can shut down their luxury. We can make their lives hell while they try to enter and leave that region. It's a bottleneck and preventing traffic from exiting highway 82 would halt the wealthy from accessing what they've stolen.

There is an airport in Aspen where they hide all their jets. In and out all day. It is legal to protest there. It takes courage to get in there and speak your mind. They look at workers and normal people with disgust. The hatred is clear and I can't let hateful people destroy our lives.

It's just my time. I can't wait for anyone in this world.

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