
I work for a union and I don’t understand it.

I just recently got my “big break” I went from working two jobs at an auto parts store & gas station 10+ hours a day 6 days a week with 20 or so hours off on wednesdays, to working for a quite large contract in my area. Quickly I made a name for my self in the first 2 months and became the go to guy, I work very hard and diligently no matter how big or small the task is. My title would be “laborer” and came with a decent pay raise (compared to working 2 jobs with little time off) as well as benefits (health, dental, vision, as well as a matching 401k) it was apparent that if they wanted something done, and done right, it was why they were coming to me. Very recently I was given tasks in black and white that very clearly were taken…

I just recently got my “big break” I went from working two jobs at an auto parts store & gas station 10+ hours a day 6 days a week with 20 or so hours off on wednesdays, to working for a quite large contract in my area.

Quickly I made a name for my self in the first 2 months and became the go to guy, I work very hard and diligently no matter how big or small the task is. My title would be “laborer” and came with a decent pay raise (compared to working 2 jobs with little time off) as well as benefits (health, dental, vision, as well as a matching 401k) it was apparent that if they wanted something done, and done right, it was why they were coming to me.

Very recently I was given tasks in black and white that very clearly were taken from another shift (occupied by another female a few years younger than I) because it was determined by her and a foreman that “she could not accomplish these tasks alone” Obviously I was pretty upset about it, but I didn’t want to file a grievance or make a fuss regarding the situation because i am new (although a few weeks more in seniority than her) and I figured my work and ethics would shine through.

A week into this I was offered a temporary position, in a higher job classification that came with a temporary pay raise I desperately needed, I toyed with the idea of not accepting because work in my area would suffer. However I ultimately decided that if I didn’t take it, this woman would and I would be stuck with all the work while she gained the spoils.

I’ve been in this position for a few weeks now and it’s possible that it will expire in the next couple of weeks and I will return to my original classification. My problem is that she hasn’t been doing any of the work while I’ve been gone, it’s been stacking and stacking in my absence and the majority of it is quite hard work if it is not done early and allowed to accumulate. I have spoken with supervisors from my original area who state that “she’s doing what she can.”

Technically speaking I’m lacking in the same areas this woman is, certification and licensing. However we have the same job description and if she can’t do her job then why does she have it? What is the difference between her and I? What should I do? When I go back I want the work to get done to reflect good on myself, and I don’t want to start drama or seed disdain between myself and the other supervisors, but why is it that I’m expected to handle the work load and she isn’t? These are tasks they would expect me to complete due to job descriptions, however they clearly aren’t holding her to the same standard.

I need advice.

Edit: I am male, the other shift is a female, and we work 4 ten hour shifts where my Friday is her Monday, we cooperate one day a week and she maintains until I return. (For added context) sorry if I’m being too vague

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