
I worked 24 hours (32 with holiday pay) and still cleared over $500 a week and enjoyed a three day weekend.

Still kind of bummed about how weak my pay check was this week, but I was also able to enjoy a three day weekend where I flew down to Florida the day after Thanksgiving to visit with family and then drive back home over the next day or so. I recently moved to a new state, and when I moved I left my car with my parents because it wasn't driving, opting to barrow my fiancé's car to get around the last five months, so it's nice to have my own car back that gets like 40 mpg instead of the about 15 mpg her car gets, which will save me a lot money in the long run. As negative as people are about work, there are still good jobs out there, you gotta stick to it, my job is supposed to be in “peek season,” and “balls to the…

Still kind of bummed about how weak my pay check was this week, but I was also able to enjoy a three day weekend where I flew down to Florida the day after Thanksgiving to visit with family and then drive back home over the next day or so. I recently moved to a new state, and when I moved I left my car with my parents because it wasn't driving, opting to barrow my fiancé's car to get around the last five months, so it's nice to have my own car back that gets like 40 mpg instead of the about 15 mpg her car gets, which will save me a lot money in the long run.

As negative as people are about work, there are still good jobs out there, you gotta stick to it, my job is supposed to be in “peek season,” and “balls to the wall,” but so far it's been anemic… This week it picked up a little, got at least four hours of OT on top of regular hours not being short.

It's kind of ironic really, because I'm used to working so hard for so little, but now I'm working so little but still making more than I'm used too. Work is “picking up,” but I feel ill have to supplement my income a bit selling some magic cards/donating some plasma so I can pay off some bills and have some breathing room til my next pay day.

TL;DR Not all work is bad, and time off has a real cost associated with but it kind of works itself out in the end because now I have a car and more options open to work more/make more money now. Stay positive, things get better over time.

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