
I would love a cookie

I left my nightmare job almost 2 years ago. My husband and I met there 10 years prior, when he got laid off and started work elsewhere he kept telling me how horrible and toxic it was. I mean it's just work right? All jobs are like this. Eventually i had enough of being passed over (I was just to valuable where I was at… they couldn't promote me or lose me to another department) and left… and realized he was right. For the next year I tried to convince my work BFF to leave. Told her all the things I realized were toxic, horrible, and wrong. But it's just work right? All places are the same… besides she was comfortable there… then she got written up for something that was possible illegal, if not immoral on the companies part. 4 months ago she left and joined my new company.…

I left my nightmare job almost 2 years ago. My husband and I met there 10 years prior, when he got laid off and started work elsewhere he kept telling me how horrible and toxic it was. I mean it's just work right? All jobs are like this. Eventually i had enough of being passed over (I was just to valuable where I was at… they couldn't promote me or lose me to another department) and left… and realized he was right.

For the next year I tried to convince my work BFF to leave. Told her all the things I realized were toxic, horrible, and wrong. But it's just work right? All places are the same… besides she was comfortable there… then she got written up for something that was possible illegal, if not immoral on the companies part. 4 months ago she left and joined my new company.

Today we just got word our old toxic department that was cutting corners and doing some shady things are now under a full audit. Everything i said is now under federal investigation.

Today she thanked me over and over for getting her out…I admit, I was like I told you…. glad you finally listened. She was like what… do you want a cookie for it? I was like sure. I'd love a cookie.

A few hours later my sons friend came over to play and handed me a bag on my door step.

She sent me cookies from 2k miles away using door dash.

All jobs aren't equal.
Don't leave a friend behind if you see how toxic it is.
Thank people who open your eyes.

And yes, my husband got a cookie too since he tried warning us for 8 years and we wouldn't listen.

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