
I wouldn’t say I’m missing work, Bob.

NPR posts study saying people miss their commutes? No, I do not miss my commute. No, I do not miss wasting hours of my day in traffic. No, I do not miss the stress and aggravation of idiot drivers. No, I will never go back to commuting 5 days/week. There is no amount of money (realistically) to add that stress back to my life. Yes, I can appreciate WFH does make it hard to disconnect from work sometimes, but establishing boundaries and saying “no, this can wait until tomorrow” is an acceptable answer. Another hit piece written by an “HR researchers” at Wayne State University.

NPR posts study saying people miss their commutes?

No, I do not miss my commute.

No, I do not miss wasting hours of my day in traffic.

No, I do not miss the stress and aggravation of idiot drivers.

No, I will never go back to commuting 5 days/week. There is no amount of money (realistically) to add that stress back to my life.

Yes, I can appreciate WFH does make it hard to disconnect from work sometimes, but establishing boundaries and saying “no, this can wait until tomorrow” is an acceptable answer.

Another hit piece written by an “HR researchers” at Wayne State University.

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