
Idea for a general strike?

I left this as a response to another comment, but I would genuine like feedback on this. I see many other valid comments about strikes being damn near impossible with the way health insurance, living paycheck to paycheck, and police violence during protests. All valid points and I understand how it would deter a majority of us in the interest of personal safety, feeding and housing our kids, and continuing to pay rent/mortgages/bills. I just don’t understand why we don’t strike with Covid lockdown rules. I’m sure that there are influential, amazingly smart people in all the different demographics in the US that could convince their peers to participate. And plenty of those brilliant and organized people that have been laid off from Google, FB, Twitter, and other tech type companies that manage how the whole world communicates, could handle logistically finding a way to keep people fed within those…

I left this as a response to another comment, but I would genuine like feedback on this. I see many other valid comments about strikes being damn near impossible with the way health insurance, living paycheck to paycheck, and police violence during protests. All valid points and I understand how it would deter a majority of us in the interest of personal safety, feeding and housing our kids, and continuing to pay rent/mortgages/bills.

I just don’t understand why we don’t strike with Covid lockdown rules. I’m sure that there are influential, amazingly smart people in all the different demographics in the US that could convince their peers to participate. And plenty of those brilliant and organized people that have been laid off from Google, FB, Twitter, and other tech type companies that manage how the whole world communicates, could handle logistically finding a way to keep people fed within those demographics. The way people can raise money quickly for Gofundme’s in tragic situations has to be completely possible to help with paying for lights and water communally while we wait, right? All we needed was two weeks during the lockdown for corporations to begin collectively clutching their pearls and shitting their pants.

I mean, sure if your job is involved in keeping people alive, by all means, go to work. But if you’re a data entry person, filling a spreadsheet that you know won’t matter in ten years, why not stay home and fight back collectively with inaction?

Why can’t we just stay home? The police cannot legally enter our homes and force us to go to work at gunpoint. And if they did, those 2A folks would be happier than pigs in shit. That would be the tyranny and oppression they keep talking about, right?

If a significant number of us stay home and protest by halting the economy until those CEOs beg because their shitty business practices have them on the edge of crumbling, wouldn’t we win?

Is that not an effective striking solution?

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