
Idea for food stamps reform

Yall I've been on and off EBT (food stamps) for all of my adult life and today I got notification of my impending “yearly review” to see if I'm still eligible.  Now for the duration of the pandemic apparently “everyone” has been receiving the “maximum allowable benefit” which is something like 213 dollars a month for a single adult in my area. (Because that”s how much it costs to eat 3 nutritious meals a day for 30 days, science says so. /s) But here's a thought: maybe if they weren't so obsessed who “deserves” aid and didnt have entire overburdened agencies with underpaid agents verifying employment and income and family size and drug dependencies and citizenship and education and health status, they could take the money saved on the administrative costs for all that verifying and just….use it to feed everyone who says they need it. Just like that.  Does…

Yall I've been on and off EBT (food stamps) for all of my adult life and today I got notification of my impending “yearly review” to see if I'm still eligible.  Now for the duration of the pandemic apparently “everyone” has been receiving the “maximum allowable benefit” which is something like 213 dollars a month for a single adult in my area. (Because that”s how much it costs to eat 3 nutritious meals a day for 30 days, science says so. /s)

But here's a thought: maybe if they weren't so obsessed who “deserves” aid and didnt have entire overburdened agencies with underpaid agents verifying employment and income and family size and drug dependencies and citizenship and education and health status, they could take the money saved on the administrative costs for all that verifying and just….use it to feed everyone who says they need it. Just like that. 

Does that sound like a solid plan or am I tripping?

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