
Idiotic questions you’ve been asked at job interviews?

Applying for a job as a technician working in a blood bank, I was asked the question “Can you give us an example of a time you've valued diversity in the work place?” I honestly couldn't even bullshit my way through this one. The whole interview was conducted by two women with clipboards who seemed to have gotten all their questions from a HR guide, and asked no questions about the technical skills actually needed to do the job. Needless to say, the interview did not go well.

Applying for a job as a technician working in a blood bank, I was asked the question “Can you give us an example of a time you've valued diversity in the work place?” I honestly couldn't even bullshit my way through this one. The whole interview was conducted by two women with clipboards who seemed to have gotten all their questions from a HR guide, and asked no questions about the technical skills actually needed to do the job. Needless to say, the interview did not go well.

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