
If Congress forces a crap deal on the railroad workers they should all strike anyway.

And I do mean all of them. If every single railroad worker in the country stayed home for say…two weeks, what leverage would the companies and the government have left? It's illegal for teachers in Ohio to strike but they did it anyway. Several years ago. Every single teacher went on strike in the entire state. No one was fired. No one was arrested. No one was fined. The railroad workers have a nuclear option available to them. They just need to take it. Fuck the economy. Let the cargo on those trains rot. I'd like to see those railroad executives try to train all the replacements needed to keep those trains moving.

And I do mean all of them. If every single railroad worker in the country stayed home for say…two weeks, what leverage would the companies and the government have left? It's illegal for teachers in Ohio to strike but they did it anyway. Several years ago. Every single teacher went on strike in the entire state. No one was fired. No one was arrested. No one was fined.

The railroad workers have a nuclear option available to them. They just need to take it. Fuck the economy. Let the cargo on those trains rot.

I'd like to see those railroad executives try to train all the replacements needed to keep those trains moving.

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