
If I had Bezos level money (I’m talkin filthy rich with nothing but disposable income) here’s what I would do.

First step: buy land. Hella land. Second step: build houses and establish a pretty scene. Make shops and an entire self sufficient community (farms and stuff) Third step: move people into the houses and charge 2$ a day rent. (Would be paid towards repairs and none of the money would be pocketed) Fourth step: move in myself and use whatever money is left (more than likely hella) to do it again, specifically for homeless people. Fifth step: (for the first village) work and live same as everybody else to make the community look good (For the village specifically for the former homeless) establish rehab centers and all that, to make sure they're all healthy both physically and mentally.

First step: buy land. Hella land.
Second step: build houses and establish a pretty scene. Make shops and an entire self sufficient community (farms and stuff)
Third step: move people into the houses and charge 2$ a day rent. (Would be paid towards repairs and none of the money would be pocketed)
Fourth step: move in myself and use whatever money is left (more than likely hella) to do it again, specifically for homeless people.
Fifth step: (for the first village) work and live same as everybody else to make the community look good
(For the village specifically for the former homeless) establish rehab centers and all that, to make sure they're all healthy both physically and mentally.

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