
If I need over ear hearing protection instead of ear buds for a medical reason who’s responsibility is it to provide?

I have TMJ which puts pressure on my inner ear. I’m getting a factory job through a temp agency. I’m supposed to wear foam ear plugs which are very uncomfortable for me. I don’t know if I should just get ear muffs myself or if I should ask the employer or the temp agency to provide them? They’re more expensive and I’m pretty sure no one’s going to want to get them for me. I know I shouldn’t be but I’m also concerned about it making the company not want to hire me for needing accommodations.

I have TMJ which puts pressure on my inner ear. I’m getting a factory job through a temp agency. I’m supposed to wear foam ear plugs which are very uncomfortable for me. I don’t know if I should just get ear muffs myself or if I should ask the employer or the temp agency to provide them? They’re more expensive and I’m pretty sure no one’s going to want to get them for me. I know I shouldn’t be but I’m also concerned about it making the company not want to hire me for needing accommodations.

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