
If more than half the employees call off can we still get in trouble?

So by no means did we plan this but thanks to the weather about more than half of my coworkers(and I) called off. Now we work at a warehouse so they’re open 24/7. Our account manager already tried to give us a lecture last night for those who couldn’t make it in and tonight they are send out “warnings” to those who did not make it in will receive severe punishment. The catch is there’s about 20 of us and 11 have called out. I’ve never had this happen before so I was wondering if they really would punish all of the workers?

So by no means did we plan this but thanks to the weather about more than half of my coworkers(and I) called off. Now we work at a warehouse so they’re open 24/7. Our account manager already tried to give us a lecture last night for those who couldn’t make it in and tonight they are send out “warnings” to those who did not make it in will receive severe punishment. The catch is there’s about 20 of us and 11 have called out. I’ve never had this happen before so I was wondering if they really would punish all of the workers?

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