
If The Railroad Workers Strike…

If the railroad workers strike they will need our help, and I do mean all of us. We will have to walk the picket line with them for the basic human right of sick leave. We will have to call and write our elected leaders to show our support for the railroad workers for the basic human right of sick leave. We will have to provide food for their families while they strike for the basic human right for sick leave. We will have to dig deep into our pockets and help them pay bills if they walk the picket lines for the basic human right for sick leave. We will have to hide the Union leaders from the police who will seek jail them while the rank and file walk the picket line for the basic human right for sick leave. We will have to suffer the blows of…

If the railroad workers strike they will need our help, and I do mean all of us.

We will have to walk the picket line with them for the basic human right of sick leave.

We will have to call and write our elected leaders to show our support for the railroad workers for the basic human right of sick leave.

We will have to provide food for their families while they strike for the basic human right for sick leave.

We will have to dig deep into our pockets and help them pay bills if they walk the picket lines for the basic human right for sick leave.

We will have to hide the Union leaders from the police who will seek jail them while the rank and file walk the picket line for the basic human right for sick leave.

We will have to suffer the blows of night sticks and breath in tear gas when the police and the National Guard come to break up the picket line for the basic human right for sick leave.

The railroad workers are going to need our help, and I do mean all of us

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