
If you are thinking about quitting your job…

FUCKING DO IT. I have been wanting to leave my job for over a year now. The money was good but it was incredibly stressful and my heart was never in it – it’s just something I fell into. Icing on the cake – super high turnover and an increasingly toxic work environment. I have been with my company for over 3 years and I am now the most tenured person who has worked specifically in this office (one other manager has worked for the company longer, but only 1 year in our office – location makes a huge difference on the work). This is a HUGE corporate company (top 5 in the US for our field, $4B+ company/year). Why why WHY am I the most tenured? That’s INSANE! The last few months have been especially bad so I finally did it – gave my notice for 3.5 weeks out…


I have been wanting to leave my job for over a year now. The money was good but it was incredibly stressful and my heart was never in it – it’s just something I fell into. Icing on the cake – super high turnover and an increasingly toxic work environment. I have been with my company for over 3 years and I am now the most tenured person who has worked specifically in this office (one other manager has worked for the company longer, but only 1 year in our office – location makes a huge difference on the work). This is a HUGE corporate company (top 5 in the US for our field, $4B+ company/year). Why why WHY am I the most tenured? That’s INSANE!

The last few months have been especially bad so I finally did it – gave my notice for 3.5 weeks out of respect for the coworkers I care about. Since giving my notice, the work environment has become 10x more toxic. I am being targeted, punished, and and singled out. Had a huge breakdown today, I have never been treated with so much disrespect which is made worse because of all the energy and time I put into this office to keep it together through the many, many transitions we’ve had.

I am absolutely crushed that I’m leaving on such a bad note but the only thing that gives me comfort is that I’m doing it – I’m getting out. I should have done this long ago and as bad as things are now it’s an important reminder that this is not where I want to be.

So yeah, if you are scared of what’s next or doubting yourself or questioning what you deserve… DO IT! FUCKING QUIT YOUR TOXIC ASS JOB!! I don’t know what’s exactly next but just the act of me leaving opened up new opportunities that I never would have known about had I stayed.

*I do want to acknowledge that I am very privileged to have the financial ability to resign without a solid plan in place (just some solid leads) but the biggest point I am trying to make in this internet void: trust yourself. If something isn’t right for you and you can get out, do it. You don’t have to have the perfect plan in place and if you can buy yourself time to look you might find that opportunities open up that you didn’t have the time/energy to look for or didn’t even know existed.

Sending all my love to the strangers in the internet – we got this.

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