
If you guys want to make a change, contact your senators/congressperson and/or corporate

If enough people complain about a certain labor issue, the more attention it will get and more likely it'll change. So please contact your senators/congressperson. An easy issue to fix is to allow retail workers to sit, as it's already done in Europe and other parts of the world. It'll also solve a lot of the medical problems some workers have, as prolonged standing causes back, heart, legs, feet, and shoulder problems. The same with corporate, corporate only cares about money. So vote with your wallet and make it known to corporate why you will no longer be buying their products. Also leave negative reviews on all their social media profiles.

If enough people complain about a certain labor issue, the more attention it will get and more likely it'll change. So please contact your senators/congressperson. An easy issue to fix is to allow retail workers to sit, as it's already done in Europe and other parts of the world. It'll also solve a lot of the medical problems some workers have, as prolonged standing causes back, heart, legs, feet, and shoulder problems.

The same with corporate, corporate only cares about money. So vote with your wallet and make it known to corporate why you will no longer be buying their products. Also leave negative reviews on all their social media profiles.

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