
If you have a full time job and claim to go to the gym every day , read 200+ books a year, learn a new language every year etc – Im just assuming that you are a big fat phony

I wake up at 6:15 AM – sit down at my desk at 7:45 AM – work until 4:45 PM and am home by 5:45 PM. I do this Monday-Friday. This leaves me with just 4.5 hours of free time between 5:45 and 10:15 PM when I go to sleep. In these 4.5 hours I have to do cooking, washing, grocery shopping, house work, call my friends/parents – showering – brushing teeth – relaxing from work. Since my hobbies are reading – gaming – training – I have to spread these hobbies over the entire week. Meaning 2-3 hours of reading is reserved for Monday and Tuesday. 2-3 hours of gaming for Wednesday and Thursday. 2-3 hours of training for Friday and Saturday. On Saturday and Sunday I like to meet with the few friends and family I have left – go out and have a beer. Or just take…

I wake up at 6:15 AM – sit down at my desk at 7:45 AM – work until 4:45 PM and am home by 5:45 PM. I do this Monday-Friday. This leaves me with just 4.5 hours of free time between 5:45 and 10:15 PM when I go to sleep.

In these 4.5 hours I have to do cooking, washing, grocery shopping, house work, call my friends/parents – showering – brushing teeth – relaxing from work. Since my hobbies are reading – gaming – training – I have to spread these hobbies over the entire week.

Meaning 2-3 hours of reading is reserved for Monday and Tuesday. 2-3 hours of gaming for Wednesday and Thursday. 2-3 hours of training for Friday and Saturday.

On Saturday and Sunday I like to meet with the few friends and family I have left – go out and have a beer. Or just take a long bath – do nothing – get drunk – go shopping.

On top of that I am quite exhausted – so I like to sleep until 9 or 10 AM on the weekend. So my free time is VERY limited.

Yet I see people that claim they read 200+ books a year – go to the gym every day – learn like a new language every year etc.

Now unless these people dont have a job where they dont have to work half of the time – or they sacrifice ALL of their free time for ONE SINGLE ACTIVITY – I call BS. There is NO WAY you can have a full time job and can do more than ONE thing in your free time. Its impossible.

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