
If you need me, pay me.

3 months ago I changed jobs. This was the best thing I could have done. My new company is a dream to work for compared to my prior company. However, within the last week my former company fired my former manager and I have been receiving phone calls from former co-workers asking me to help them with computer issues, policy issues, general operation of the department. (this was a department I built 4 years ago and managed) After a few calls I finally told them if they need me that bad I can come help them after 5pm but as a consultant I would need $100.00 per hour with a minimum 5hr paid just to enter the building. I haven’t heard from them since. Best of luck to you.

3 months ago I changed jobs. This was the best thing I could have done. My new company is a dream to work for compared to my prior company. However, within the last week my former company fired my former manager and I have been receiving phone calls from former co-workers asking me to help them with computer issues, policy issues, general operation of the department. (this was a department I built 4 years ago and managed) After a few calls I finally told them if they need me that bad I can come help them after 5pm but as a consultant I would need $100.00 per hour with a minimum 5hr paid just to enter the building. I haven’t heard from them since. Best of luck to you.

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