
if you qualify for government welfare( food assistance, insurance, etc) don’t feel ashamed when you need your work to fill out forms to apply.

If you qualify for government assistance that means that your work is unwilling to pay you a living wage. It's not your fault. Your employer should feel ashamed if any employee ever needs to apply for government assistance. I struggled for years because I felt ashamed about the idea of receiving government assistance. I finally realized that I work hard doing a skilled labor job and deserve better pay but my work chooses to underpay its employees because “wages are depressed in my area”. I applied for food assistance and am grateful it's there for people like me. I no longer have to live with the constant stress of worrying wether or not I can afford to feed my family and pay the bills. It's not your fault.

If you qualify for government assistance that means that your work is unwilling to pay you a living wage. It's not your fault. Your employer should feel ashamed if any employee ever needs to apply for government assistance. I struggled for years because I felt ashamed about the idea of receiving government assistance. I finally realized that I work hard doing a skilled labor job and deserve better pay but my work chooses to underpay its employees because “wages are depressed in my area”. I applied for food assistance and am grateful it's there for people like me. I no longer have to live with the constant stress of worrying wether or not I can afford to feed my family and pay the bills. It's not your fault.

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